v3.5.3 ( 02nd December 2024 )
* Removed: Rank Math content analysis API call
* Fixed: Tatsu forms nonce

v3.5.2 ( 16th August 2024 )
* Fixed: Tatsu shortcode displayed in Wordpress editor

v3.5.1 ( 30th May 2024 )
* Fixed: Vimeo video 403 error
* Fixed: Tatsu form validations

v3.5.0 ( 25th April 2024 )
* Fixed: Download Google Fonts
* Fixed: Php notice

v3.4.9 ( 04th April 2024 )
* Added: Familjen Grotesk google fonts
* Added: None option for Header Color Scheme inside image background in section module for enable transparent header to use default theme settings

v3.4.8 ( 12th February 2024 )
* Fixed: Revslider preview
* Added: Filter for Tatsu section concepts

v3.4.7 ( 22th January 2024 )
* Added: Plus Jakarta Sans google fonts
* Integrated: Rank math Content Analysis API

v3.4.6 ( 11th December 2023 )
* Added: Space Grotesk and outfit google fonts
* Fixed: Php notices
* Added: Font Awesome 6 Brand icons - x-twitter, square-x-twitter, meta, threads, square-threads, slack, figma, discord, airbnb, wix, cloudflare, line, react, salesforce, unsplash, xbox, waze

v3.4.5 ( 09th October 2023 )
* Fixed: BE GDPR consent.
* Fixed: php deprecations.
* Fixed: single image module open in lightbox

v3.4.4 (23th August 2023)
* Added: Responsive media query screen width settings.

v3.4.3 (28th April 2023)
* Added: Private Vimeo Video Support.
* Fixed: Tatsu Header image CSS.
* Fixed: PHP warnings.

v3.4.2 (21st December 2022)
* Added: Option to change video preload option for Column and Section Module.
* Added: Tiktok Icon in the icon library.
* Fixed: Instagram Video display issue in Gallery Module.
* Fixed: Submenu width conditional display.
* Fixed: Wrong license status issue.
* Fixed: PHP warnings.

v3.4.1 (10th August 2022)
* Fixed: Tatsu Editor Settings icon can't be clicked.
* Fixed: Textarea field rendering.
* Fixed: Row Border settings.

v3.4.0 (12th July 2022)
* Added: ACF and WordPress Dynamic Fields Support on 30 Modules.
* Fixed: CSS issue on Tatsu Editor light mode.

v3.3.14 (2nd June 2022)
* Added: Module Categories
* Fixed: TGMPA notice dismiss
* Fixed: Placeholder URL
* Fixed: Hamburger Menu CSS issue on mobile
* Fixed: Interactive Box CSS issue
* Fixed: Template Import issue
* Fixed: Wrong conditional tag

v3.3.13 (30th March 2022)
* Fixed: Form Submission email
* Fixed: Typehub Custom font upload conditional logic
* Added: Tooltip for penultimate settings

v3.3.12 (16 March 2022)
* Fixed: Tatsu header logo for non SVG images
* Fixed: Typehub download Google Fonts
* Fixed: Typehub load Google Fonts from local server
* Fixed: Typehub and Colorhub activation and deactivation action
* Fixed: Php deprecation
* Fixed: Pro modules list
* Fixed: Typehub file upload check for add custom font 
* Fixed: Tatsu header mobile sliding menu styles

v3.3.11 (9 March 2022)
* Added: Sidebar in Tatsu Welcome page.
* Fixed: Spyro Notice will be visible on only Tatsu welcome page
* Fixed: Prevent Tatsu admin dashboard files load on other admin pages.
* Fixed: Separate standalone tatsu theme css
* Fixed: Standalone Tatsu header and footer builder template
* Fixed: Standalone Tatsu replace theme header and footer with active Tatsu header and footer respectively

v3.3.10 (24 February 2022)
* Fixed: Tatsu header logo for SVG images

v3.3.9 (22 February 2022)
* Added: Multi Purpose Card Hover Color
* Added: Multi Purpose Card Link Open in New Tab
* Added: Custom Image can be set in Icon Module and Icon Group Module
* Fixed: Autoplay audio with video for vimeo and self-hosted video
* Fixed: Image carousel image alignment on lazyload option
* Fixed: Image carousel module ribbon and ribbon center type layout
* Fixed: GIF image display in single image module
* Fixed: Border on Single Image module
* Fixed: Mobile submenu
* Fixed: Quoted text in Animated Heading
* Fixed: Icon Module CSS issues

* Fixed: Spyro form mailchimp integration
* Fixed: Save Spyro form multiple checkbox values
* Fixed: Spyro Forms required field handling for checkbox

* Fixed: Revslider background video with tatsu youtube video
* Fixed: Spyro blog page css
* Fixed: Plugin update checker url
* Added: Tatsu Forms reCAPTCHA v3 and v2
* Added: Reply-To, Bcc, Cc added in Tatsu Forms email notification 
* Added: Tatsu Forms Autoresponder Email
* Added: Customize message in Tatsu Forms email notification
* Fixed: Spyro shop page banner
* Fixed: Spyro global section styles

* Added: Light box in image carousel module
* Fixed: Typography issue in text block module
* Fixed: Tatsu header mobile menu typography in editing mode
* Fixed: Youtube "This video is unavailable"
* Fixed: Spyro form email to admin
* Fixed: Spyro WooCommerce cart page header and product table

* Fixed: Google Maps fatal error
* Added: Horizontal navigation dynamic menu level in header-builder
* Added: Rank Math SEO Plugin Compatibility
* Fixed: Header disappear from page on save tatsu header after import demo
* Fixed: Refresh Instagram access token
* Fixed: Inline text alignment
* Fixed: Text block text alignment
* Added: More icons to team module and removed g+

* Fixed: Instagram images count
* Fixed: Animated heading cutoff from the bottom
* Fixed: Showing borders on Front-end in standalone
* Fixed: Remove link in Multi Purpose Card if url is empty
* Fixed: Remove link in Icon if url is empty

* Fixed: Instagram access token doc link in tatsu
* Fixed: Page load in tatsu editor
* Fixed: Title text display in single image module
* Fixed: Get uploaded SVG Icons using curl
* Added: Tatsu forms For Spyro
* Added: Save form entries For Spyro
* Added: Form entries table for admin
* Fixed: Tatsu header builder for Standalone
* Fixed: shift inner style element into head section - for spyro frontend
* Fixed: tatsu global section custom css
* Fixed: W3 validator compliance

* Added: Add link to svg icon
* Added: Instagram access token for Tatsu standalone
* Fixed: Instagram in gallery module
* Fixed: Shape divider svg check

* Tatsu Standalone release
* Fixed: Image slider multiple images in tablet view

* Added: New Shape Divider
* Added: "use strict" in javascript 
* Added: Translation support for few strings
* Added: Remove old translation files & generate new .po file
* Fixed: CSS issues for builder page
* Fixed: Enable Global section, headers & footers for all themes, Added centralized settings, Fixed  warning issue
* Fixed: minor design issue
* Fixed: Change Tatsu menu priority
* Fixed: Text typography issue
* Fixed: Custom header Builder and Justify Portfolio
* Fixed: Used wp_die instead of die, Removed extension from handles, Remove all unused code
* Fixed: Escape all translatable strings 
* Fixed: tatsu header mobile menu 
* Fixed: bottom border in accordion

* Edit with Tatsu was gone in 5.6 


* typography-heading-fixed (partial CU-1dfa3n)
* array-filter-added (CU-1be0v4)
* Instagram notice updated (however Instagram is still not working correctly)
* package json update