This is the changelog for Oshin theme, if you don't have a valid license, Buy Now.

v7.2.6 ( 23 December 2024 )
* Fixed: WordPress _load_textdomain_just_in_time notice

v7.2.5 ( 1st October 2024 )
* Fixed: PHP Deprecated warnings

v7.2.4 ( 26th September 2024 )
* Fixed: TGM navigation to one click bulk installation
* Fixed: Cache busting for dashboard js files
* Fixed: Dashboard tab navigation

v7.2.3 ( 24th September 2024 )
* Updated: TGM plugins

v7.2.2 ( 30th May 2024 )
* Fixed: Escaping attributes in ajax calls

v7.2.1 ( 25th April 2024 )
* Added: V59 Freelance Designer and V60 Oshine Restaurant demo
* Added: Enable read more link setting for blog
* Fixed: Php notices
* Added: Update require plugin details on install-required-plugins page

v7.2.0 ( 04 March 2024 )
* Updated: Translation .pot file

v7.1.9 ( 12 February 2024 )
* Added: Retry purchase code verify as per response
* Fixed: Php notices

v7.1.8 ( 22 January 2024 )
* Added: Safe SVG in required plugin list

v7.1.7 ( 11 December 2023 )
* Fixed: Php notices
* Fixed: Recent blog post module heading link in single post
* Fixed: Recent blog post module thumbnail link in single post

v7.1.6 ( 09 October 2023 )
* Fixed: Single post title html tag
* Fixed: Blog page post title html tag
* Updated: Theme update check frequency reduced
* Fixed: php deprecations and warnings
* Fixed: Hero section parallax in mobile

v7.1.5 (23 August 2023)
* Added: Settings for woocommerce product quantity increment decrement buttons
* Fixed: Invalid Purchase Code
* Fixed: Tinymce missing language file notice on edit posts, pages or portfolio

v7.1.4 (16 June 2023)
* Fixed: Update Check and Licensing logic.

v7.1.3 (31 May 2023)
* Added: Google Analytics 4 Support.
* Added: Option to toggle Google Analytics for logged-in users.
* Fixed: Documentation Links.

v7.1.2 (28 April 2023)
* Fixed: Video Player issue on Safari.
* Added: Private Vimeo Video Support.

v7.1.1 (24 November 2022)
* Fixed: Blog Date meta link is not working.
* Fixed: PHP Error.

v7.1.0 (7 October 2022)
* Fixed: Perspective Hamburger Menu click issue.
* Fixed: PHP errors.
* Update: Metabox Library.
* PHP 8 compatibility.

v7.0.9 (23 June 2022)
* Fixed: PHP Error notices.
* Fixed: Translation issue.
* Fixed: Licensing issue.

v7.0.8 (2 June 2022)
* Added: License Activation/Deactivation.
* Fixed: Admin notice can\'t be dismissed.

v7.0.7 (16 May 2022)
* Fixed: Multiple category display issue with WPML
* Fixed: PHP warnings
* Fixed: WooCommerce layout
* Fixed: Theme Update issue
* Fixed: Placeholder URL
* Fixed: WooCommerce Product Variation CSS issue
* Fixed: jQuery Deprecated notice

v7.0.6 (23 March 2022)
* Fixed: Theme update check for child theme
* Fixed: Multiple category display issue in single blog page meta

v7.0.5 (9 March 2022)
* Fixed: Thumbnail images in Tatsu Blog module
* Fixed: Update notification available without purchase code also
* Added: Purchase code validation
* Fixed: Modify License form
* Added: Check for updates
* Added: Manage TGM data

v7.0.4 (22 February 2022)
* Fixed: Apply Colorhub color change on portfolio filter
* Fixed: Php warnings 
* Fixed: Rev Slider rendering issue
* Fixed: Thumbnail in Recent Posts module
* Fixed: Background color in header style 3
* Added: Logo max width option in oshine options
* Merged: Typehub and Colorhub with Tatsu

* Fixed: Restore classic widgets editor
* Fixed: Read more custom text for blog
* Fixed: Removed g+ share icon switch in blog settings
* Fixed: Removed read more option from masonry style 2
* Fixed: Revslider background video with tatsu youtube video
* Fixed: Extra space above posts content in blog page
* Fixed: Protected title repetition on protected page.
* Added: Documentation link in oshine options sections.

* Fixed: Php 8 compatibility
* Fixed: Semi-transparent header in single post
* Fixed: Set home page on demo import
* Hide read more option when small thumbnail blog style select
* Fixed: Scroll to section when header is sticky
* Added: Dynamic menu level feature
* Fixed: Oshine Options for AWS Wordpress Bitnami AMI
* Added: wp_body_open function

* Added: Edit heading in Single Masonry blog style
* Fixed: Custom sidebars add & remove button
* Fixed: WP5.7 compatibility 
* Fixed: Spaces in empty search & pagination

* Added: Single Masonry blog style
* Update: jQuery easing library

* Fixed: pagination alignment in blog posts

* Fixed: portfolio tags view
* Fixed: scroll to section
* Fixed: fixed left sidebar portfolio
* Fixed: tatsu header above gallery 

* Fixed: carousel slider - ribbon,center slide,horizontal
* Fixed: V50 title carousel
* Fixed: single page sites menu for logged out user
* Fixed: scroll to section with portfolio images
* Fixed: split screen left
* Fixed: images of posts 

* Fixed: top bar sticky header
* Fixed: scroll to section
* Fixed: bugs
* Fixed: chr removal

* Fixed: menu in single page sites
* url-updated
* masterslider-version-updated
* fixed-issue
* fixed-gallery-insta-issue
* reduxframework-upgraded
* fixed-twitter-share-url
* fixed-sorting-button
* big-fixed
* Gulp fixes.
* url-changed
* portfolio-fixed